Wojciech Goniowski  
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The Volunteer Fire service was established right after the arrival of our Fathers in 1945 and from the beginning of cannon dynamically. Numerous cups, medals and diplomata are attesting to it for filling the top one spots in the sports-firefighting competition in the commune and on the rung of the district, provinces, as well as in national preliminaries. Over a distance area of almost 60-ciu of years was only written down three fires. Of pox on permanently took root into force residents of the Nowa Wieś Głubczycka, every church holiday or national is held with the participation of firefighters and the colour party. The flag is included with particular care, is in the local individual for over forty years. He was given in June 1963, however 2 July 1995 on the occasion of 50-lecia of Pox was honoured with Silver Medal for the Service for the Fire-fighting. Fire holidays ceremonially are being get around by all residents. A commemorative plaque put on the wall is a word of this respect of local church with the inscription; "for God to the Glory, for Neighbour for the Rescue. Homage and thanking the fire service for members in the Nowa Wieś Głubczycka ". (bookmark- text of Kazimierz Bernacki).

Wręczenie Sztandaru OSP Nowa Wieś Czerwiec 1963 r.

Odsłony: 4275