- Wojciech Goniowski
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Brief History of The Nowa Wieś Głubczycka
No one knows when this town was established. The first mention of this village was published in 1352r. (New Wes). Such names were being granted settlements established in the vicinity of the older housing estate. In the exchanged year, of 23 November, wealthy głubczycki the burgess bequeathed Heinko to the Mother Superior of the convention beginek in Głubczycach free and eternal annual rent equivalent to 1 heavy mark from the mill in the New Village of Głubczycka and the rent from 8 cornfields of the meadow belonging before to Ullricha, also in the New Village, taken down on St Marcin.
For centuries the New Village along with Bogdanowicami belonged to one property owner. In 1723r. wealth New Village included the about 200 ha of ground. In the village two milles worked, clattering and Christian (was a gift of the godfather). The commune purchased the part of property ground in 1772r. from the contemporary owner, of district administrator of district Jan von Eicke, and in 1811r. bought from Anton Forni from Głubczyc Sheep's Forest put to the south of the town.
On the applied meadow in the vicinity of Bogdanowic primers before Mr von Schneckenhauses from Bogdanowic bred edible snails.
In 1865r. a built Dutch windmill which blushed stayed in 1875r. and wasn't rebuilt. In years 1864 - 1868 was being used quarry being located to the east of the village in field, but since the stone was of minimum value, they ceased the output.
In 1888r. in the village a post agency was formed. In the same year they made the enclosure. In 1893r. the village obtained the hit road and pavements from the pavement. In 1902r. she received a telephone link. In 1899r. a Volunteer Fire service was formed.
In 1797r. a school was formed. In 1817r. for her a bigger building was built. In 1873r. a separate school was formed for evangelical children, and in 1883r. new, for Catholic children.
18 March 1945 an evacuation of residents ended in the direction of the Czech Republic. on 22 March Soviet soldiers occupied the village. During the warfare some house property burnt down and economic, including 3 barns. 20 May first from evacuated came back. In June the first Polish settlers arrived by 1945r.. 26 VII 1946r. of local Germans was displaced to the Hameln district.
1783r. 354
1845r. 523, including 402 Catholics, 121 evangelicals
1861r. 585, including 435 Catholics, 148 evangelicals and 2 Jews
1880r. 632
1910r. 519, including 393 Catholics, 126 evangelicals
1935r. 494
1940r. 484
1780r. 67 of the house property, in 1845r. 102, in 1910r. 109
1996r. 270 of residents
BOGDANOWICE - the palace and the manor house in the New Village
The first mention of Bogdanowicach appeared in 1218 of year as about Bogdanaue. At the end the 15th century certain Wolf around Szlimakowa, representative of the old Moravian family from Slimakova (a germanized form of this surname is Schneckenhaus) by Osoblahy which the coat of arms showed of white of the snail on red field, bought Bogdanowice and the New Village in the duchy opawskim. He married Sybille von Hunt around Old Grodkowa and Osieka of Grodkowski and died in 1555r. A gravestone with his image behaved on the local church graveyard. Sybille she died in 1562r. For this steam the following children were born: Kasper, Jerzy, Helena, Katarzyna and probably Zuzanna. Kasper Bohdanowski (name it been overcome from Bogdanowic) around Szlimakowa married Helena Drahotusz (amendment 1588) and died childless before 1574r.
His brother, Jerzy, owner of the New Village took over Bogdanowice. He married Maria, daughter of Jan Czepli from Bełku by Rybnik and died after 1584r. A gravestone behaved of him (Gircyka of Bohdanowski) and his wives on the graveyard in Bogdanowicach. For this marriage seven children were born: Fryderyk, Jerzy - the junior, Kasper, Wolf, Jan, Katarzyna and Helena. Fryderyk as oldest inherited Bogdanowice. He died in 1625r. Helena von Studnitz was his wife. As the first representative of his family he started using the germanized form of the surname - Badewitz. His son inherited Bogdanowice, also Fryderyk, whereas after it Fryderyk's sons - of junior: Jan Wolf and Bernard Wilhelm. When in the II half The 17th century They were confiscated from Bogdanowice behind the non-payment of taxes, lived in the New Village.
Kasper had Zubrzyce. Wolf, Jerzy's fourth son, in 1618r. was exchanged as the owner of the New Village. She was his wife died in 1588r. Helena von Drahotusz from Bottom Benešova.
In the II half The 17th century in Głubczycach two daughters of the cavalry captain and the judge of the terrestrial duchy lived karniowskiego, of Franciszek Bohdanowski. In 1601r. Anna Schneckenhaus von Badewitz is appearing in documents, daughter of dead Mikołaj von Mettich, and in 1615r. Helena von Badewitz, wife of Jan von Fragstein from Naczęsławic.
On one's return from fights in Hungary (1664), in 1666r. Karol Maksymilian von Kavan which after death was buried bought Bogdanowice in głubczyckim church of Franciscans. In 1692r. according to Sękowski, the wealth inherited them his unknown son from name, and then daughters of this son: Benigna, the wife one from Schneckenhausów and Elżbieta of Józef Sydonia, wife of Karol Fryderyk von Nimptsch around Szczepanowa, of representative of the von Nimptsch family, the treasurer and the cosy legal adviser in Silesia, prince's krnowskiego legal adviser, treasurer of the duchy krnowskiego, on Bogdanowicach and the New Village from 1691 to 1729. Given birth in 1707r. Of Franciszek Benigna von Schneckenhaus baron's daughter from the New Village, was the first Sylwiusza Chrystiana wife of the tufted duck by Wrocław, on Grudynii Large, for legal adviser of the Wrocław regierungsbezirk and the district administrator Otmuchowa. She died 13 November 1716
Roman Sękowski is writing, that in and half The 17th century Helena Bohdanowska, perhaps Jerzy's daughter, was a wife of Fryderyk von Schlewitz, of hereditary commune administrator Foresters wheel Sagittarius Opole and what's more she could import her family into those surroundings, because in 1718r. Karol von Badewitz had there Kalinów. Beyond Kalinowem Bohdanowscy (von Schneckenhaus) were owners for some time Szymiszowa and Jaryszowa wheel Sagittarius. (tree genealogist. - Sękowski, p. 249).
From 1729 an emperor's colonel had Bogdanowice Jan Gottlieb von Wittorff baron, coming from Hannoweru which had a lawsuit from bogdanowickimi with peasants because of the drudgery resting with them. Wittorff fell as cesarsko- royal field marshal in 1739.
At that time, i.e. in and for half of the 18th century, a built palace became a gold mine but a so-called Castle ul. in Bogdanowicach which stood up in the middle of 8-morgowego of the park, between the small river. She was it is a baroque building, possible that raised on the foundation wall of some older building. It isn't known, whether a v man built the palace. Nimptsch or Wittorff, and maybe the next owner, from 1741 Mr Sedlnicki on Bilovcu. Next Bogdanowic owner, v Jan Fryderyk. Schneckenhaus, was Prussian landratem of district głubczyckiego, but after the outbreak of the III Silesian war, in 1756 he renounced this office and left for Austria. King of Prussia Fryderyk II Wielki ordered to confiscate Bogdanowice, and to hang the Schneckenhausa portrait on the gallows. To the end of their days they were landrat stayed in Austria.
After the Schneckenhausa escape the king of Prussia handed over to Bogdanowice new landratowi, for Jan von Eicke and Polwitz. The one was landratem to the end of one's living in 1780. In 1772 peasants bought out from run up a debt landrata large portion of the property role, and residents of the New Village local court, to which foundations in 1781 built the church. The property power kept the palace in Bogdanowicach.
In 1782 on Bogdanowicach a v baroness was you. Gastheimb.
In 1784 bogdanowicki the palace and the wealth belonged to the v countess. Gaschin (Gaszyn), and wealth in the New Village to the v count. Gaschin. In 1811 wealth bogdanowicko- new-country purchased głubczycki merchant Anton Forni along with the legal Diebitschem commissioner. In 1825 both wealths were already in Diebitscha hands. Between 1825 and 1845 for Zofia Konradiny von Burghaus countesses were in possession of Bogdanowice, evangelicals. This unmarried woman the countess in 1845 converted the local palace and belonging 15.8 ha of ground in "Foundation of the Burghaus Countess" which after her death was supposed to go on "unmarried woman lady of the count's state, above 50-letnią, of evangelical faith, morally [well] behaving and given birth in the Silesian province, with nothing to live on. Such a lady was supposed to live in the palace to the end of her days and to earn her living off the lease of ground.
After death the foundation fulfilled countesses one's purpose. Maria in July 1862 inhabited here, v countess. Reichenbach- Goschutz. Last with resident (to 1945) there was a v baroness. Lüttichau.
In 1939 the part of the palace was converted into the nursery school. 17 March 1945 the baroness escaped from the coming front along with country dwellers. She probably died in the same year at some old people's home in Bavaria.
In years 50. a Polish nursery school was located in an undamaged palace. Then people lived on the ground floor, and the floor deteriorated. Residents didn't have with what to smoke in stoves, took beams from the palace, leading to devastation of the object. The ownerless ruined palace still made a note of the Catalogue of monuments from 1961, as baroque, built, from czteroosiową elevation front and with ornate portal, above which the cartouche was with the coat of arms Burghausów (two-field Coat of arms. On red field silver lion rampant in the crown, on golden field black crowned eagle with bands on the breast. In the jewel of half a crowned lion).
The wreck of the palace in Bogdanowicach was undressed a few years after preparing the Catalogue of monuments, in years 60. Today a football pitch is on this place.
It is worthwhile going to Bogdanowic and going to the local graveyard, where very well Renaissance gravestones, before being in a local church, then set in into the wall surrounding the church and the graveyard behaved. They are these are plates:
Of knight of Wolf of Bohdanowski from Schneckenhausu (Voluted) amendment in 1555 and of his wife Sybille from the Hundt house, around Old Grodkowa. The plate is showing bas-relief, standing figures of the marriage and scutcheons, and the surrounding inscription is in the Czech and is reading as follows: "Letha you 1555 in cwrtek after nedeli invocate umrzel is urozeny wladyka Mr Wolff Bohdanowsky from Slimakova but on Bohdanowach tuto dielo jeho is resting jehos it is for the soul Mr Buh ply milostiwy beiti.
Letha you 1562 in Cztwrtek quasimido Geniti umrzela Huntowa is Sibyla from Stareho Grodkowa urozoneho wladyky of Mr Wolffa Bohdanowskeho Slimakowa manzelka tuto dielo jeji odpocziwa jejissto dussy Mr Buh ply milostiw beity. ".
Of Gircyka knight of dead Bohdanowski in 15 (?) of the year and his wife of Marianna Czeply from Belku (from the II half of the 16th century), with bas-relief standing forms, scutcheons and Czech inscriptions.
3 and 4. Two children of Jerzy Bohdanowski and Maria Czepl, the deceaseds in century 12 and of 14 years, in 1589 and of 1591, with scutcheons and German inscriptions.
Apart from that a well kept gravestone of the Burghaus countess is located on a church graveyard. The inscription on the small, marble board in Polish sounds: "Countess Zofia Konradina v. Burghaus, DOB 29 April 1796, dead 26 July 1846. Founder of the foundation. "there is a fastened elaborated cast-iron emblem of the Burghaus family above a gravestone. A little bit a gravestone of the countess is less impressive for Maria von Reichenbach, DOB 2 XI 1814, amendment 25 VIII 1878r.
In the period of the Reformation residents converted to Lutheranism. They hid persecuted non-Catholics in the period of the Counter-Reformation from Głubczyc. In spite of pressures in the village a largest group continued luteran.
The Nowa Wieś Głubczycka belonged to the Bogdanowice parish. In 1781r. in the village a run-down wooden small church, mentioned still in 1672r. as close to collapsing was pulled down. Only one altar, devoted to the Mother of God was in it. A purchased local property manor house stayed in 1781r. and after the demolition a current Catholic church was put on his basements and foundations.
In 1851r. during the storm the lightning damaged the tower which next was refurnished. In 1872r. a bell broke and he was poured in the following year in Pawłowiczkach. In 1879r. the church was made higher and received the shale roof and the tower with the lightning conductor. In 1888r. new organs were installed.
Image being on a high altar All Saints' Day Eduard Klink painted from Babic in the district głubczyckim. In 1901r. carpenter - artist Karl Ondrusch from Głubczyc made the new high altar. In 1911r. a new pulpit was put in. Side altars were devoted: for Painful Mother of God and St Jan Nepomucen.
In the 1945r. March the tower was damaged through crumps.
She drew up Dr Katrzyna Maler
- Odsłony: 5467